We're Opening! News We're Opening! We're Opening! We're Opening! Set in the seaside village of Placencia, Belize, Itz’ana Resort & Residences is the newest luxury lifestyle offering in the Caribbean, having just announced that we will be opening our doors on December 10th! ...
Synergy With Seine Bight Story Synergy With Seine Bight Synergy With Seine Bight Synergy With Seine Bight While Itz’ana is located on the Placencia Peninsula and only five short miles from Placencia Village along the mainroad, technically we are nestled on the southern border of the Seine Bight community. This is a point that is near and dear to our hearts. ...
Our First Wedding Story Our First Wedding Our First Wedding Our First Wedding “Every relationship needs a solid foundation and when your place is ‘water and sand’ you need an anchor to hold it all together.” We couldn’t have said it better than our first Itz’ana bride, Tracy Park, did! ...
Airlift: Direct Flights To Belize StoryNews Airlift: Direct Flights To Belize Airlift: Direct Flights To Belize Airlift: Direct Flights To Belize It's so easy to get to Belize these days, it's almost certain that our hidden Caribbean gem won't remain a secret much longer. ...
Guest Experience: A Nautical Adventure Story Guest Experience: A Nautical Adventure Guest Experience: A Nautical Adventure Guest Experience: A Nautical Adventure Since the conception of Itz’ana, our monicker has been rooted in the natural dichotomies Belize has to offer. We want our guests getting out into the wild...under a waterfall, on top of a ruin, deep in a cave, and submerged in the sea. ...
Placencia's 16th Annual Sidewalk Art Festival NewsBehind The Scenes Placencia's 16th Annual Sidewalk Art Festival Placencia's 16th Annual Sidewalk Art Festival Placencia's 16th Annual Sidewalk Art Festival The Placencia 16th Annual Sidewalk Art Festival is in full swing yet again. Boasting some of the most unique and vibrant art from Belizeans, the annual art festival is not one to be missed around this time of the year. ...